Friday, July 31, 2009


I thought this might be interesting...

Brody at birth: 9 lbs. 2 oz.

Kiley at birth: 5 lbs. 4 oz.

Brody at 3 months:

and Kiley at 14 days...

When she smiles I see this...

Brody at 3 mon.
I'lll try to catch a picture of her smiling soon :o)


Aly said...

I think they look a ton alike already! Kiley just looks more girly, which is definitely a good thing. YOu have some great looking kids!

Ryan and Jess said...

I forget just how tiny they are! She is so precious. I love seeing the sibling similarities. Thanks for sharing!

keep klein-man said...

She is so pretty. I love the pics. I always look back at our kids and hate how fast the grow up. Make every moment count!