Sunday, June 1, 2008


How I Met My Husband

I guess before I get into this survey about Kip, I'll give you the scoop on how we met for anyone interested! It all started when I was asked to play on a coed single adult softball team for church. I went one night and Kip was there playing on my team. I wasn't instantly attracted to him, he knows what I mean by that... Oh, okay I'll explain: (he had on a purple and black shirt with red shorts, a blue Boston Red Sox hat, and black mid calf socks on with his cleats... utmost attractive, eh!!) Now that I have explained myself. He and his friend Lloyd asked me to come throw with them to warm up, he said he was very impressed that I didn't throw like a girl!! We had fun playing. I played second and he played short, we made a pretty god team too. Between games our team went to Wendy's for dinner. This is an important part... later I found out he was so excited that I sat by him and that he was very attracted to me. Then that weekend was 4th of July, I went to a little get together with the people from the team, Kip came walking in, I could not stop staring at him, he looked GOOD!! I thought wow he cleans up nice! Later he got my number from Lloyd's sister Megan and asked me to go out. And the rest is history, we have been together ever since!!

What is his name: Kip Michael Russell

How long have you been together: Married for: 3 years

How long did you date: only 5 months

How old is he: 26

Who eats more: Definitely Kip!!

Who is taller: He is, for sure

Who said I love you first: He told me one night that he was falling in love with me, and it scared me, so I didn't say anything. Awkward I know, but a week later he surprised me at soccer practice with something so thoughtful and then I knew that I had fallin' for him too.

Who does the laundry: Me, he helps though

Who does the dishes: Me, he helps with that too :)

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: He does

Who pays bills: he takes care of that, he is doing it right now actually?

Who mows the lawn: we don't have a lawn, but I'm sure we both will, whoever has the time!

Who cooks dinner: We share that responsibility too, we enjoy cooking together though, so that's okay with me, he actually is a pretty good cook though!

Who sings better: Well umm... I guess we can say neither of us better quit our day jobs. Although we are both often caught belting a tune in the car! But who doesn't, right?

Who drives when you are together: Kip, that took awhile to get used to. He used to scare me half to death when he drove, but I m okay with it now. (okay not always;)

Who is more stubborn: That is both of our pitfalls! It's kinda ridiculous sometimes.

Who is smarter: At what? He is smart when it comes to financing, electrical, and complicated type stuff, but when it comes to logic and making sense I think I take that one, hands down!

Who kissed who first: It was kind of mutual, romantic though (*and it was the best kiss I have ever had!!!) I know sappy, but hey it was.

Who asked who out first: He called me one night out of the blue, (I didn't even know he had my #, but I was really excited.) I had my sisters for the weekend and he said, "well bring them with us!" I Loved that!! And we had a pretty fun time.

Who proposed: Kip- total surprise too!

Who is more sensitive: Me, definitely.

Who has more friends: I think I do. But we have two best friends that are husband and wife... so we have way too much fun together!! Thanks Jen & Adam!! We love you two!!

Who has more siblings: I do! 4 to be exact, he has 3.

Who wears the pants in the family: We are pretty even, but I like to let him think he does?? Eh, what can I say!

I tag: Everyone!!!!


1 comment:

Jordan & Rhonda said...

I loved reading your story. you guys are way cute.I'm so happy for you and your little family.